Biomass Energy Feedstock is an alternative source of energy; it’s green, clean and renewable. The form and properties of wood pellet has been developed for the best energy efficiency, high calorific value and moisture control as well as convenience in transportation.

Net Calorife Value

Ash Content

Moisture Content

> 4,040 Kcal/Kg

≤ 0.7%

≤ 10%

> 4,040 Kcal/Kg

≤ 1.5%

≤ 10%

> 4,040 Kcal/Kg

≤ 3%

≤ 10%


+ High, constant energy density

+ Higher gross calorific value

+ Advantages with regard to automatic furnace charge

+ Good combustion behavior

+ High mechanic stability

+ Reduced transport volume

+ Dust-free

+ Constant moisture content

+ Easily proportion able

+ Suitable for storage



Hi combustion, Hi performance Biofuel

Planting and replantation, reduce CO2

Holistic green energy

Replace fossil based; fuel oil, LPG, coal

7 times cheaper than fuel oil

Power Pellet Co., Ltd.

1550 Thanapoom Tower, 29th Floor, Unit  A,
New Petchburi Rd., Makkasan, Ratchathewi,

Bangkok, Thailand 10400

T: +66 2 652 8880

F: +66 2 652 8899